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Network Security Audit in Sacramento

ActivSupport network security team provides customized network security audits.Based on the nature of the likeliest threat, a number of audit variation are possible, blind, targeted, etc., security audit mostly fall into a couple of categories; namely internal system audit and perimeter audit.

Internal network security audit

Internal network security audit include a review of all network elements, including operating systems and network vulnerabilities , application levels access including file system, and general level of security awareness at the management and end-user level. Internal network security audit are performed from an 'insider' vantage point.

Network perimeter security audit

Network perimeter security audit include a review of all network's entry points, physical, logical, and human elements (aka social engineneering). Elements review include Internet pipeline, modems, wirless access, points, building, offices, networking equipment access. Network perimeter security audit are perfomed from an 'outsider' vantage point.

ActivSupport delivers consulting and outsourcing services across Microsoft, Linux, and Macintosh networks to small businesses and enterprises alike all over the U.S. For a free consultation, call ActivSupport at 1-877-ACTIVNET (1-877-228-4863) or use our online contact form. Digg Furl Google Windows Live Yahoo MyWeb Newsvine Reddit Slashdot StumbleUpon Technorati